::: We are all passing by :::

I sat on the train and tried hard to focus on the motive of my next move.
I had none…I decided to spare myself the trouble of thinking too hard and just follow my instinct for once, cos this felt different.

As I sat there, passengers came in, some sat beside me, others opposite me.
 Some with smile on their faces, others with “I just don’t give a F***” stare. 
With some a word or more was exchanged. 
With others I turned my face towards the window, a way to say; 
“Don’t disturb I got some thinking to do”.
Then it came to me like a gentle wind…the thought about the in and out movement of people in our lives.
 I think it’s like taking a journey on a train.
There are people who choose to take the journey with us, some come uncalled for, and others are inevitable. 
Each with a different energy of its own geared at molding the person we are all destined to become. There are co-passengers of this train of “life”.
There are good ones, bad, beautiful, ugly, the inspiring ones as well as the ones that bring us down.
With some we part ways, when they have reached their destinations or change direction; 
we part never to meet again.
Some light up our lives beyond ways that we could ever expect. 
We are sad when they leave and we hope to see again.
Some reach the destination of no return and leave in us a void that may never be filled.
Some bring with them warmth and lots of love. 
They are like balsam for the soul and come at the most appropriate time.
Some bring with them pain and frustration…leaving us vulnerable and broken when they leave….
Some come and leave unnoticed
In essence they were all somehow meant to be part of us and we part of them.
Cherish the people that come into your life, move on when some leave, mourn when you lose some. At the end of the day we are all passersby.
Have a Wonderful Weekend!


  1. Thelma, I forget about all my worries any time I go through your articles. Keep it up baby!!!

  2. Lovely piece.

  3. Replies
    1. Thelma, you never stop amazing me. You´re simply great!


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