::: Pa Toroki. The Heavenly Banquet :::

Story  Story
Once upon a Time
Time time!

“Pa Toroki and his kind lived in the notorious Tortoise street Nr. 17. The street was well known. There was nobody in the community who didn’t know Tortoise Street Nr.17. Its occupants were known to be very clever but devious and cunning…”

I can go on and on and on…
I remember the days we used to sit in a circle around the fireplace after dusk and listened to beautiful tales, with fascinated eyes and hungry souls, trying to catch every bit. 
With the sparks from roasted corns, plums and cocoyams reminding us it was time to get them out of the fire. 
The atmosphere was one of its kind, filled with that spirit of adventure of the African child. 
This book is a perfect chance to reminisce about those old, cherished but not forgotten days.
 A perfect tool, for education and creativity. A perfect imagery of Africa, my beautiful Africa
The colorful narration and smoothly flowing texts will keep you dumbfounded right through till the end of the story.
For those with a Cameroonian or African background, they are childhood stories and part of you, which you will definitely want to share with your kids. Try it out and let’s hear the good news.
For those hungry to feed their mind about what African story telling is all about, this is a perfect opportunity.
Go grab your copy,
The adventure of Pa Toroki is available not only in English and German BUT ALSO in West African PIDGIN ENGLISH. The French version will be out soon too.

Pa Toroki, The heavenly banquet (ISBN: 978-3-944785-01-1)
Pa Toroki, Das Festessen im Himmel (ISBN: 978-3-944785-02-8)
Pa Toroki, Chop tong for heaven (978-3-944785-03-5)

The books are available online at www.manunga-publishing.com. They can also be ordered via any local bookshop.

Written by Dr.med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa and illustration by Tanka Fonta

Pics from


  1. Yes, that is african bedtime stories. What a wonderful childhood memory.

  2. Wow...team waves you guys are doing a great job. I will definitely get a copy. Thank you for sharing and may God bless what you people are doing.


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