:::Nobody is getting it all right!!!:::

“ Having a low opinion of yourself is not "modesty". It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not "egotism". It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success”.
 ~ Bobbe Sommer

Into every generation, different kinds of women are born. Some with greater strengths, some more intelligent, some smarter, others too sensitive, others gentle. Whether shy, soft spoken, loud or assertive, fast or slow, organized or disorganized, in our own little way, We Are Super Women. Every woman, in my opinion, whether tall or short, pretty, fat or thin, rich or poor, is unique in her own way; she just has not figured that out yet.
Trying to live the life of another woman will only get you confused and depressed. We were all made differently and have different paths to follow. 
We come across lots of people in our daily lives; through social Medias, behind our screens, by coincidence etc. and admire them. Of course it’s OK and but natural to admire. But where lots of us go wrong is when we try to imitate and wish we were them. We see these people from a distance and have absolutely no clue about what they miss, or what they do to stay where they are.

Judy Garland said, 
“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else”

It´s of no use trying to compare your negative with other woman´s positive qualities. That will only get you unhappy and negatively competitive. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is within yourself, in your own way of thinking!
 Try to maintain your female energy of love and embrace your soft side; try to stay in control and to keep control.  Nobody is getting everything right in this world…

Be yourself!!

It is important to be grateful to the lives we live, the friends, and families we have, and what we have achieved so far. 
Take the challenge today; Pick up a pen and jotter. Every day before going to sleep write down the little things that made you happy, and after a while you´ll get to realize how uncountable your blessings are. There’s at least a good thing that happens every day, even though every day is not a good day!:::

                                                                                                                        Joyce Ashime


  1. Life really hits you hard, and its easy to forget those little but meaningful blessings each day. beautiful.

  2. My sister you said it all. Thanks for making my day once more!!!

  3. One ugly incidence in a day tends to overshadow all blessings, just got my jotter. The day ended with a wrong but just realized there were 10 rights before. Great inspiration @Joyce Ashime. thanks

  4. Thumbs Joyce! I no be know say writters and thinkers dem buku fom SMB lol!

    1. Hahaha Ndike. We are trying our best. Thanks

  5. weh my short legs make me unhappy as my male friends always talk of long tiny legs..how do I go about that..I try to look at different aspects I got but cant come to terms...

    1. Hi.I guarantee you that which ever you are, you'll wish you were the other. Some tall girls too wish they had shorter legs especially as athletes, or because they are not stable on high heels, while others complain of their long grasshopper legs.size shouldn't matter to you. What you should be more worried about is what you make out of what you've got . Some people have no legs though or legs that don't walk.what they've got is what they've got.they did not get a chance to choose. So to me you should be counting yourself among the lucky.

  6. Thanks a lot guys. I am happy this inspired you and please do feel free to share you experiences and ideas with us all

  7. Nice write up Joyce!!!

  8. Hi my short leg girl. I am a tall tiny leg girl.
    You say my legs are what guys want. Thats Not very true.
    I use to hate them because they made me taller than any other girl in class and when we stand together i had to always bend to talk to my friends Cos i felt i was very High.
    Short guys dönt trust themselves to talk to me cos i was taller than them. One guy even told me that He wanted to date a girl He could Put His Arms around her neck with strecting much.
    You see we long thing legs girls dont get it easy too. Like Joycee say "Be yourself"
    Some will love those legs just the way they are. You dont need many guys opinion, you just need one who will love you and your short legs for real.

    I Tell you a secret. These my long legs i use to hate, i made them my strongest weapon and the sexiest part of my body. I started looking at the good things about it and trust me it works. When i get it any party most guys notice me because i am one of tallest girl in the room and do you know what they say later í met this girl with the Longest but sexiest legs i have ever Seen lol.

  9. Joycee, that was a really great article.
    You are very talented and inspiring.
    I am so looking forward to more on your wonderwall.

  10. Thanks a lot Aga and thanks for sharing your experiences with us

  11. Thanks so so much Joyce. You don't know how much help this has been to me

  12. Thanks too for sharing your feedback with us


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