::: Made in Africa...Ernest O. Look :::

The very best, and talented, our Wave for the Month
 Ernest O Look.

Ernest O. Look is a professional international model runway coach, and also a moderator.
 He became a household name through the show, 
" Face of Africa Germany".

Face of Africa Germany was not just a show but a concept, a brand which is the very brainchild of our talented  Ernest O. Look, brought to existence with the help of his competent hand picked team, to create a forum where by artistic young girls with African decent, interested in the modeling career could be given a spotlight. The brand ::: Face of Africa Germany ::: is also aimed at portraying a positive picture of Africa , promoting it's cultural heritage and potentials, particularly in Germany and also all over the world. He worked with more than 20 contestant from different countries in our beautiful continent Africa, all based in Germany. It was a perfect and golden exposure for many young girls, given the fact that, girls with African decent are less opportune to have such platforms  here in Germany.
 I for one rooted for my favorite contestants, although they did not make it.
He is actually working on a new show...am not going to let the cat out of the bag just yet!

Ernest O. Look was born in Kumasi, Ghana. (I can see my Ghanian readers brushing their shoulders right now, with pride). And his real names are Ernest Kwabena Osei. He was the very first male Ghanaian to walk in heels ...yes you heard me right... on a fashion show runway in Ghana. You know, he does it better than the ladies, he is a real expert when it comes to walking in heels. 
I definitely need classes, Ernest watch out, here I come!
What fascinates me about Ernest, is  his simple and hardworking nature. His love for his continent Africa, wanting to give back, wanting to nurture and promote the African spirit. His innovative and fighting spirit is unique, he  keeps  working harder and harder for the best, despite hurdles on his way, and while doing that he never loses  his smile and neither does his jovial nature  and vision get blurred. A good example, a classical role model, an inspiration to all those fighting to make a dream come true in our very own Germany.  Guys don't you give up on your dreams!
 I was most privileged to get an interview with him. Now remember the goal here is to learn from his experience and be inspired. So get inspired people!

Waves: What is it that people out there don't know about you?
Ernest : What most people do not know about me is, I like to be home when am not working and cook a lot lol. I love my kitchen.

Waves: I haven't met you before but I know for sure you are a very humble and hardworking guy.
Ernest: Thank you!

Waves: You just wrapped up the very first edition of The Face of Africa Germany, when is the next show coming up.
Ernest: The Face of Africa Germany is a seasonal show, so far we just wrapped up the first season and we need time to get all the support we need for Season 2. Also to gather the  necessary momentum me and my team need as well as financial and  professional assistance.

Waves: You have come a long way, I mean looking at your biography. What are the names that have been your inspiration so far and in what ways have they inspired you?
Ernest:  A lot of people have inspired my life path so far. But I am most indebted to Oprah, Tyra, Gerald Asamoah who is like a big brother and Friend, Linda Asamoah , My Mother for being a friend and a mother, my partner , my brother and most of all my Free Mason Brothers, learning each day to be a Better Man.

Waves: Germany presents a lot of opportunities, and at the same time we know it's a difficult country, especially when issues of race and color are concerned. Can you share with us your difficult moments and triumphant break through here in Germany.
Ernest: Hahaha this is a hard one, the opportunities are wide in Germany but as in race and color issues I say this:
 "if people don’t want to give you the chance to show what you can do... then create it".

Waves: A word of advice to the young and innocent out there aspiring to make a name in your field?
Ernest: What I will say is just believe in yourself. Get connected to the source of your being, be bold and go for your dreams to make them reality. Dreaming is not enough, work for your dreams to make them a reality.

Waves: Could you tell us a little bit more about your upcoming projects if there are any?
Ernest: As you mentioned before, am working on a talk show called "The O. Look Show". It will be a web based tv show and we will start from fashion to celebrities, music and art. A lot of  hot topics will be handled on the show, just stay tuned.

Waves: Thank you for being our Face of Africa.
Ernest: Thank You very much Thelma Basil

 You want to know more about him?
Visit his page 
# TeamAfrica #
Please leave words of encouragement
Thank you!


  1. Dear Wavers, i must Comment your great job. I always read ur articles but never took out time to Comment.
    I really love this New style of meeting New faces and getting to know these Artist personally.
    I did not know this guy but reading this told me alot about him. Knowing that we both share a Hobby, loving our kitchen and cooking lol was really cool.

    Great job T.
    Waves is Def.going places.

    1. Thank You very much Aga. We really appreciate your comment. Ernest is one of somany Talented Made in Africa faces making us here proud.


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