:::Dr Christopher Fomunyoh, shocked and dismayed by ongoing events in North- West and South-West Cameroon:::
developments in North West and South West Cameroon: notably, the demonstration
by Common Law lawyers in Bamenda in October and on November 8; the
demonstration by Common Law lawyers in Buea on November 10; and the teachers'
strike that began on November 22, and is affecting institutions of academic learning
from primary through secondary and higher education in both regions of the country.
These events endanger the rule of law and education, which are two very sensitive
pillars of our national fabric and human development. They also bring to the fore
grievances that demonstrate the disaffection of a sizable segment of our population
with the manner in which the Biya government approaches governance in these
critical sectors.

These very unfortunate events have also exposed to the entire Cameroonian
population as well as the international community the inability of the authorities to
listen to the voices of citizens and to provide appropriate platforms for meaningful
discourse and exchanges that must take place in every democratic society between
citizens and those that govern. Democratic governance in the 21st century entails
constant engagement with citizens, providing opportunities for their grievances to be
addressed, and taking concrete measures to ensure that fellow compatriots feel a
sense of belonging and ownership of resulting reforms. This is the only way to restore
their dignity and foster responsible citizenship. By failing to address these
grievances, the government has exposed its inability to govern in an inclusive and
responsive manner.
As I have said in the past, the issues raised by Common Law lawyers and now
teachers and parents in these two regions of the country deserve proper attention at
he highest level of the State. These issues speak to the core values that enabled the
establishment of the Fatherland to which we all belong. We cannot allow for that
national fabric to be undermined by the government of the day. Sadly enough, these
events also mirror recent strikes in Yaoundé and threats by the Union of francophone
teachers to demonstrate in coming days. There is no doubt in my mind that a general
malaise overshadows the current political environment in our country.
I therefore call on President Paul Biya to speak directly to the nation to calm fears
and to take concrete steps to address the expressed grievances in the most just,
equitable and timely manner. I also call on the government not to use force against
innocent unarmed citizens who peacefully advocate for their rights.
The government should set up a special, broad based commission to attend to the
grievances raised with regards to the educational sector. It is noteworthy that these
issues raised by teachers, students and parents surpass the jurisdictions of the four
cabinet ministries that now oversee educational matters in Cameroon - Ministry of
Higher Education, Ministry of Secondary Education, Ministry of Basic Education and
Ministry of Labor and Professional Training - none of which is headed by anyone
educated in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. For a country that prides itself of adopting and
strengthening its bicultural tradition, such a political set up does not lend itself to a
proper understanding of the values that Anglophone teachers, student and parents
seek to preserve.
At the same time, I call on lawyers, teachers, students and parents in the North West
and South West regions to be patient and to remain open to dialogue, knowing that
the vast majority of Cameroonians appreciate highly the values of fairness, justice
and integrity that they seek to defend. It is only on the basis of these shared values
that Cameroon will stay strong and united.
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh
The Fomunyoh Foundation
Please Dr. I really appreciate your great input but how do we let the present governing body to act as urgent as the present events speaks. I am contributing with tears running on my face and as well as the love i have for my country and the contribution that i have participated in building the country in my own little way and now on 31 years of service to the nation and presenly a holder of 3 labor medals of which am proud of. How do i consider this as a hard worker for this number of years when i see the present situation and tensed atmosphere in my own country. I am begging07066244473 for a genuine dialogue to urgently take place between the government and the anglophone leaders. I would recommend that both parties apologise to each other, get everyone who are being detained released and all to come back on a seriouse negociation table for the betterment of everyone in our country. Please advise if i am wrong. Your humble citizen.
ReplyDeleteI hear you "Gentle Speaker", and I know many of our fellow compatriots feel the same way you do.Since returning from home a few weeks ago, I am increasingly troubled that the lack of genuine good faith on the part of the current regime may cripple efforts at finding lasting solutions to the problems raised. For example, the collective punitive measures with regards to cutting off telephony and internet connectivity to all of the North West and South West regions can only breed anger and resentment from the population. I hope the situation can still be remedied before things degenerate further. Keep faith!
DeleteGentle speaker I will like you to give just one reason why you think the people of southern Cameroon or their leader's should apologise.
DeleteDr. Christopher, did you say united? Since when did the Cameroons became united? You people are the lights we should follow, they brains to think for us. Now, you are reflecting a shadow. Are you afraid to stand up for the truth? If I am wrong, I will be willing to learn about the so called "united." Cameroon get HIV AIDS my brother make we stop pretend, call a dog by its name.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your contribution. These surely are trying times for us all, and I can understand the considerable anxiety and uncertainty about what the future holds. Keep faith.
ReplyDeletefor 55 years if their french brother never respected them, therefore they will never respect them. let them have their separate government. there is no second chance to create a first impression
ReplyDeleteNo problem without a solution. I am cameroonian, so i am Franco-Anglophone. Dr. Chris, i appreciated ur post. Cameroon is physically united, but the ongoing situation in NW an SW proved me that the country is not morally united. Our ancestors did their jobs according to the evidences this time. Let us achieve their work, bringing moral unity in ur country. I am Bamenda, i am Bafoussam, i am Buea, i am Garoua, I am Ebolowa, i am cameroonian and proud of it.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Dr. I am Achuh Owen Teheng (Pupil Advocate). I am currently working with ELECTIONS CAMEROON. I have been trying to get to you to no avail and saw this as the only opportunity to get into contact with you. I will be grateful if you give me the opportunity to chat with you. Best regards.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Dr. I am Achuh Owen Teheng (Pupil Advocate). I am currently working with ELECTIONS CAMEROON. I have been trying to get to you to no avail and saw this as the only opportunity to get into contact with you. I will be grateful if you give me the opportunity to chat with you. Best regards.