::: The Mask...:::

Wow a perfect foundation … fits perfectly well
A perfect makeup… a perfect disguise.
No one sees the wrinkles, no pimples, no room for flaws
When I take a look into the mirror I see…
I see just the reflection of beauty.
I see just the perfect façade of myself
I have to look perfect for this event
You never know if twitter, google plus, Instagram, Facebook…etc. will be my host tonight.

My smile….a perfect smile it should be
It has to be perfect… not too electric
No one should see the pain or sense the air of mockery.
I use to know that through a smile, one could see the threshold of the heart
So I have to play my role perfectly well,
I don’t want to give room for wrong interpretations
The on and off switch smile
Yes I look great


My Walk… tuck the tummy in…
No one has to know I have a little too much package there.
And I have to walk straight and look glorious.
I think my high heels will do the trick despite my bad ankle
Yes I look perfect…this is the picture I want to show…

Ready to step out…and it dawns on me
All this hard work is it just to put up a show.
With a perfect mask, into a world which is far from perfect.
You see the growing demand for perfection has made the common man lost his simple self.
Does anyone care to know what is behind the façade?
We are all interested in the outside.
Where are we heading to?

It’s another weekend after a long hard week at work…
Are we getting into the weekend with or without a mask?
And for onlookers are we willing to see beyond the mask or we are contented with the perfection of the façade.
Whichever way you want to have it…
Have a great weekend…
I Love you all with or without your mask on.

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