::: The Human Right Award this year goes to Cameroon :::

Alice Nkom, the 69 year old Lawyer that fights for the rights of Homosexuals in Cameroon, just bagged a Human right award from the Amnesty international Berlin Germany yesterday. 

Cameroon Oye!

She has dedicated not only her time, knowledge and freedom but also her life to advocate for Homosexuals right in Cameroon.
In a county where the issue of same sex is a taboo, she has made it a life duty not only to defend but also to protect individuals brought under the law for this “crime”.
As earlier mentioned on this blog, 5 years “Nkata” awaits anyone caught.  Anti-homosexual law in Cameroon “no dey Joke”
With this award, she was also endowed with the sum of 10,000 euros. My prayer is that this money should be put into good use oh. 

I know many people shy away from this topic, but please feel free to air your mind lets all share our views.
My question is why so much hate on homosexuals? Why do we resolve to “Hate” when we find something out of the “normal” out of the “ordinary”? Something we can’t explain? Something different?
I have an open mind on this issue am willing to learn people please teach me. Let’s discuss!

Pics from DW Akademie 
More info!

Ps: I really appreciate your comments!
Love you all.


  1. Why do you blog all the time about homosexuals(gays, etc....)? Is there no other interesting topic? Are you gay?
    Anyway, I find it very couragous of her and I would love to know what motivates her in her fight in Cameroon?

    1. Mr. or Mrs. Anonym must you be gay before writing about these issues. I think people should be educated on this matter without pointing fingers. I think the writer is free to write whatever they deem fit. These are things that happen in the society and should be addressed. They thing is how do we go about all these things happening, how do we educate people on this, not sweeping it under the carpet and pretend it does not exist!


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