::: Get Your Running Shoes :::

It's getting warmer and the weather is getting beautiful.
Are we really in spring? Not so sure anymore, considering how the climate is changing these days. Anyway it's time to shake off the winter fat away and get ready to look your best this summer.
Ladies it's time to show those legs you kept well tugged away protected under warm stockings and jeans. Oh you may want to give those toenails a treat.
Guys hope you got your ray-bans ready. You must not have a six pack this summer even two will do. And don't forget you look irresistible in those shorts, t- shirts and sandals when you are trimmed up. No bellies, “ndombolos” and fat jaws.
Come on guys let's shake the winter fat away. The problem is motivation right!

Start with a walk... then you can start jogging. Or why don't you register for a marathon? I did not say you should metamorphose into Usian Bolt overnight. It’s one step at a time.
 “I beg no go broke foot oh”
But give your body a treat, take time to love yourself a little more....it is healthy I suppose!
For all those around Freiburg and Frankfurt!


 Get registered: Freiburger marathon 6. of April.


Genussläufer Müllheim: 27. of April

Ps: I really appreciate your comments!
Love you all.


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