
Showing posts from May, 2014

::: Happy Ascension Day :::

Happy Ascension Day! O King of Glory, Lord of Hosts, Who didst this day ascend in triumph above all the heavens! Leave us not orphans, but send upon us the Spirit of Truth, promised by the Father. Alleluia! In all you do, remember you are never alone.  In your darkest moment look up to your God , your Chi…  He will never leave you like an Orphan.

::: Happy Father's Day :::

Happy Father’s Day   To all the wonderful Fathers out there   …We celebrate you! For your selfless love without bound…. We adore you! Daddy, Dad, papa, father, pop, Repé etc Call it whatever you may, you know it’s easy to make babies, everyone can be a sperm donor, but being a Dad is not a day’s job. “Tout le monde sait comment on fait des bébés, mais personne sait comment on fait des papas” (Stromea). Men and women have different ways geared towards the upbringing of a Child. A father’s love and wisdom cannot be minimized; neither can it be compared to a mother’s love. In a unique way, these differences compliment themselves. You see the concept “ Father” has a different definition today. Fathers do not only bring fort the means for the bread to be put on the table, the bake the bread and serve them. Fathers do not only sow the seed , they nurture it A father is someone that holds your hand at the fair makes sure you do what your mother s

::: Allez les lions indomptables du Cameroun:::

Preparations for Brazil 2014 The Lions of Cameroon… The once “indomitable Lions “  With their coach Volker Finke, are currently training in   Walchsee Austria, in preparation for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil 2014. Volker Finke the legendary trainer of SC Freiburg.  He was the finest and one of the few who spent 16 years with team in Freiburg. Herr Finke “Liebe   Grüße aus Freiburg”. The one and only captain of the Lions… Samuel Eto’o, seem to be having a very intimate time with his team mates. Fingers crossed we expect the best this year guys. Make us proud. After the match today with Macedonia, the next stop will be Germany. Hopefully you guys will win. On the 1st of June 2014, the Cameroonian national football team will be playing against the German team.   So guys expect them soon in Germany Monchengladbach. Come on Guys don’t let us down. Allez Les Lions Indomptables du Cameroun. Picture Credit: Marcel Mbanyam

::: Event Event Event :::

Liebe Kamerunerinnen, Liebe Kameruner, Anlässlich des Nationalfeiertags Kameruns organisiert die kamerunische Gemeinschaft in Freiburg eine zwei Tägige Veranstaltung 1) Eine Diskussion/Vortrag über das Thema:  „Das Vereinsleben – Meine Erfahrungen in verschieden Kamerunischen studentischen Vereinen in Deutschland“ Wann: Freitag, den 23. Mai um 18Uhr Wo: Sundgauallee 60 2) Ein Fußballturnier mit Mannschaften der Tunesischen,  Togolesischen, Senegalesischen   Kamerunischen Gemeinschaft in Freiburg,  einer Mannschaft der Kamerunischen Gemeinschaft in Offenburg,  Mannschafte der Bunteliga  Kämpfende Herzen,  Eskalazio Freiburg. Wann: Samstag, den 24. Mai von 10 bis 16Uhr Wo: Staudinger Sportanlage bei der Staudinger Schule Freiburg, Staudingerstraße nahe Marienmattenweg. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, bringt auch eure Familien, Freunde und Kommilitonen zum Turniertag mit! Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen. Für eventuelle Rückfragen stehe ich euch gerne unter der

::: Bonne Fête du 20 Mai... Happy National day dear Cameroonians :::

  As we celebrate this National Day,  Fellow Cameroonians don’t forget where you come from, If not you will lose sight of where you are going to. The Association of Cameroonians in Freiburg cordially invites all sons and daughters of the soil to a block of event this weekend to commemorate our 42 years of our National Unity.   Are you part of the community in Freiburg? Come celebrate with us! A round Table Conference     on Friday the 23th of May at 6 O’clock Venue: Sungauallee 60 A football tournament on the Saturday the 24 th of May at 10 O’clock in the morning. Venue: Staudinger Schule.   Will give you more information soon   You don’t want to miss it right? Of course you won’t

::: 100 and 1 most influential Africans in Germany :::

The African Heritage magazine has compiled a list of 100 influential Africans in Germany.  Now this is what they actually do each year.  The nominations this year was not only based on how good you look…  “I beg no mind me”, 

:::“Constitution without constitutionalism" Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh:::

A few years ago, Lapiro de Mbanga (RIP) got Cameroonians buzzing with hope and optimism to the tunes of “Constipated Constitution” and, last week, the socio-political consciousness of Africans in Freiburg and Cameroonians in particular was aroused by the “Constitution without constitutionalism” and “democracy without democrats” message delivered by Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh. The event took place at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, where he was invited by the department of political sciences as a guest lecturer. 

::: The Mask...:::

Wow a perfect foundation … fits perfectly well A perfect makeup… a perfect disguise. No one sees the wrinkles, no pimples, no room for flaws When I take a look into the mirror I see…  

::: Event Event Event :::

"Tanz ist Nahrung für den Körper und für die Seele. Er verschönt den Körper und befreit die Seele"  (Kofi Onny) "Dance is food for the body and the soul. It beautifies the body and frees the soul" (Kofi Onny) Weekend Workshop African Dance with Kofi Onny

::: Happy Weekend :::

Chillax …Take a break …It’s weekend! The week was good, you met your targets. Wow Job well done! But you need to Chillax, next week comes with new challenges. So what is your choice?